Contact Us
In developing nations, very few pastors have any Biblical Training, and most can’t afford to travel and pay for a Bible School. We believe God has given us a mission and passion to change this statistic. In fact, our vision is to provide Pastors Bible Training, by reaching as many pastors, lay pastors as possible. We believe that the spread of the gospel with accurate Biblical teaching will transform these countries from the inside-out.
We’d love to help get you connected to our location. Feel free to contact us via phone or email.
Join Our Mission to
Improve The Future For All
Contact Information
- 5223 80th Ave. NW, Gig Harbor, WA 98335
- (360) 509 1237
Biblical iQ
5223 80th Ave. NW,
Gig Harbor, WA 98335 - +1 360 509 1237